What does money have to do with your health?

Read on to find out.

Money. It is almost as taboo of a subject to people as talking about sex.

Let’s be honest though, we all need money and it plays a bigger role in your overall health than you might think.

That does not mean that money makes you happy. If you are an unhappy person the amount of money you have will not change your attitude.

The amount of money also does not dictate happiness. Some people are happy and thriving off of smaller amounts of money, while others are happy with larger sums.

The point here is that money is like oxygen. We need it to survive.

I have lived with larger amounts of money.

I have also lived with small amounts of money.

From personal experience I can tell you that life was easier and so much less stressful when the larger amounts of money were present. When you don’t have the means to take care of yourself the amount of good you can do in the world is minuscule.

Why not have more, do more, be more?

When money is flowing freely in a positive way in your life it gives you freedom.

Freedom to choose.

When you have choices and options you can live a healthier life.

The stress that comes from having to worry about money can have detrimental effects on your health over time.

Why not start now to get this under control?

Financial advising and financial planning can play a major part in taking control of your financial health.

I have a financial planner and the insight from a professional is priceless.

Professional help is something we seek in other areas of our lives and your finances should not be any different.

Start today.

If you are unsure where to start, do not be afraid to ask.

Your health and your future depend on it.

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